Daughter of the Wind

Daughter of the Wind is composed of various field recordings created during the height of Hurricane Sandy in New York City October 2012. The recordings of hurricane winds have been filtered and layered to form a violent polyrhythmic sound rendition of the forces of nature. The destruction wrought by the storm is described by various television broadcasters as the events unfold in real time. Daughter of the Wind portrays a collision of man and nature in the form of soundscape, and highlights the dangers of extreme weather in our rapidly warming environment.

Daughter of the Wind was included in the NAISA Deep Wireless 9 Festival and on the Deep Wireless 9 Soundcloud album release. It was also chosen to be part of a program of sound art miniatures to be used by The Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre and CEIArtE in various actions to improve the understanding and prevention of disasters.

Lin Culbertson

I’m a composer, musician, photographer, designer, and illustrator. I design web sites for small companies, artists, musicians, and others in the creative fields.


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